020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

Angela Hamlin Health Care Professionals

Angela Hamlin Health Care Professionals is a private care agency, offering personalised, professional domiciliary health care. Services include the provision of nurses and/or carers, ranging from short daily visits to longer day duties, as well as live-in residential options. We believe that you cannot teach someone to care, it comes from within, so with this in mind our carers and nurses are hand-picked for their character and values and are expertly trained to support our clients and their families. We do this to ensure we can closely match their interests, hobbies and personality with our clients so they can become the friendly faces they grow to know and trust. We are unashamedly traditional in our approach and endeavour to adhere to the high standards not only expected by the CQC, but most importantly, by our clients.


At Angela Hamlin Care Professionals we strive to go that extra mile to ensure that as a care agency we focus on quality over quantity, demonstrating to our staff and clients that we are a team who cares. As well as domiciliary care, we offer services that ensure we stand out from our competitors, including Training for Relatives, Case Management, Patient Advocacy, Homeshare, and a bespoke Medical Concierge Service where we do the leg work so you don’t have to, connecting you to top medical professionals in their field while supporting you every step of the way.


Our Core Values: Honest, Adaptable, Motivated, Loyal, Integrity, Nurturing