020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

Date of Event
Monday 3rd February 2025



Virtually via Zoom
Link to follow

IDF Evening Webinar - Neurodevelopmental disorders: An Intervention based on Genomic Analysis

Event Details

We are delighted to welcome you to our Evening Webinar with Dr Chafic Kaedbey who will be presenting on Neurodevelopmental disorders: An Intervention based on Genomic Analysis.

Learning objectives:

  • Introduction to the changing demographics of Neurodevelopmental disorders and how they are linked to genetic basis
  • Introduction to a genomic neuroprogram that identifies the genetic profiles that allows defining main clinical subtypes or endophenotypes that can make clinical differences.
  • How this genomic test helps us on more specific prognosis and clinical evolution of the Neuro developmental disorders
  • Interventions that can support better outcomes based on genomic analysis



Certificates of Attendance will be sent to those that have attended the full webinar.

A Structured Reflective Template will be sent to you along with the link to join our webinar at least 24 hours ahead. Please ensure you are registered via our website in order that you receive a link to access the webinar.

 We have prepared the IDF Zoom Webinar Software 10 Step Guide if you need help joining our webinars.


Event is member only

Member Price
No charge

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