020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

Illa Sharma Appointed as New IDF Treasurer

Monday 18th March 2024

We are delighted to announce that Illa Sharma has been recruited as the new Treasurer for the IDF.

Illa joined Middlesex Cricket in the autumn of 2021 as Chief Financial Officer and was appointed to their Board in early 2022. She is a Fellow of ACCA and holds an Accounting and Finance degree from the University of Kent. With over ten years of experience in senior financial roles, Illa has led financial control, compliance, and analysis in organisations.

Illa brings an exceptional track record in financial leadership and management processes. Her appointment will enhance the financial security, transparency, and cash flow management expertise within the IDF.

We are incredibly grateful to Illa for accepting the role of Treasurer and chair of the Finance Committee. We would like to extend our thanks and congratulations to Illa for joining the IDF community and wish her every success in her role.


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