020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

Patient Complaints

The Independent Doctors Federation has a three stage Patient Complaints Procedure in place which all connected members are required to use. Non-connected members may choose whether they would like any aspect of their practice to be covered our Patient Complaints Procedure.

The three stages of the Patient Complaints Procedure are as follows:

Stage 1

The complaint is considered locally by the doctor/practice, following which a response is sent to the patient.

Stage 2

If after stage 1 the patient remains dissatisfied, the complaint is considered by the Independent Doctors Federation's Complaint Manager, seeking input from both parties.

Stage 3

If the patient is not satisfied following stage 2, they can take the complaint to ISCAS for final adjudication.


Access to the IDF Patient Complaints Procedure is exclusive to IDF members. If you're already a member please login to your member account for further information.

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