020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

Find a Doctor

This service allows you to search our database of members and access their personal profile pages. It does not serve as an endorsement or recommendation of any specific member. Members are responsible for updating their profiles. Please note that the specialty fields listed may not necessarily reflect whether the doctor is registered with the relevant GMC Specialist or GP Register for that specialty.*
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Please enter a name or select both a specialty and enter a postcode or postal town, then click 'Search' to search our members' database.

Please note that all members of the Independent Doctors Federation practising clinical medicine must be registered with the GMC and hold a licence to practise. If you’d like to check whether a member is listed on the GMC GP Register or a specific GMC Specialist Register, we recommend visiting the GMC website at www.gmc-uk.org.

While it’s not a requirement for Independent GPs to be on the GP Register, many of our GP members are. Likewise, although many of our Consultant members are on the GMC Specialist Register, some may be eligible but have chosen not to apply, as they do not intend to seek NHS consultant appointments.