020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

Patient Complaints

The Independent Doctors Federation is proud to offer a Patient Complaints Procedure to support our members and their patients. However, due to the different complaint mechanisms available to some of our members, we may not be able to handle complaints for all members through this procedure.
We encourage you to explore the appropriate options based on the specific circumstances.

The Complaint Process Explained: Information for Patients 

At the Independent Doctors Federation our Patient Complaints Procedure is designed to support both you, the patient, and the doctor involved, with the goal of resolving complaints through mutual resolution. Our service, along with our subscription to ISCAS, is specifically designed to help address concerns fairly and effectively, ensuring both parties have the opportunity to be heard and work towards a positive outcome.

If you’re unsure whether a complaint can be brought against a specific member under this process, please contact our team at 020 3696 4080 or email info@idf.co.uk. We’ll be happy to provide clarification.

The Patient Complaints Procedure follows a three-stage process in line with ISCAS guidelines:

Stage 1: Local Resolution
The complaint is initially addressed by the doctor or practice involved, who will work to resolve the issue directly with the patient and provide a response.

Stage 2: Complaint Review
If the patient remains dissatisfied after Stage 1, the complaint will be reviewed by the Independent Doctors Federation Complaints Manager, who will consider input from both the patient and the doctor or practice.

Stage 3: ISCAS Independent External Adjudication
If the patient is still dissatisfied after Stage 2, they may take the complaint to ISCAS for an independent, external adjudication.

Should a patient wish to proceed to Stage 3, they will be asked to sign a ‘Statement of Understanding and Consent’, agreeing to the terms and process of the ISCAS adjudication.

Please click on the links below to access the relevant documents;

ISCAS Code of Practice
ISCAS Patient Guide for Making Complaints

To find out more about ISCAS, including full documentation relating to the patient complaints process, please visit the ISCAS website here.